What is the lifespan of solar panels?
What is the lifespan of solar panels?
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Solar energy is yet another sustainable option for power generation. It can be used for any residential, commercial, or industrial application. Solar panels are efficient carriers of renewable energy. One significant consideration that potential users usually consider before investing in solar energy is the total lifespan of solar panels. If you are searching for a credible solar panel installation company in Mumbai, knowing how long a solar panel lasts will help you choose confidently.
Solar Panel
Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into electrical energy using photovoltaic (PV) cells. They are usually made of silicon-based material and covered by protective glass to minimise external environmental effects. Various types of solar panels include monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film solar panels, all of which differ in efficiency and durability.
Solar Panel Lifespan
An average solar panel is expected to run for generally 25 to 30 years. However, this doesn't mean the panel will cease functioning; it will gradually become inefficient with time. Usually under warranty for around 20-25 years, the manufacturer's warranties guarantee some level of performance within the lifespan of such type. Many factors, such as the quality of materials, manufacturing processes, weather conditions and maintenance, affect the expected life of solar panels.
How to Prolong the Lifespan of Solar Panels Although solar panels can live up to several decades without taking any measures, it is essential to prolong their lifespan to maximise the returns on investment. Consider some practical ideas:
Regular Cleaning and Maintenance - Dust, dirt, and debris can pile on the solar panels, reducing effectiveness. Regular cleaning guarantees that it absorbs maximum sunlight.
Proper Installation—Contact a professional installer from a recognised solar panel installation company in Mumbai, like Visol India, to install your solar system. This will significantly extend the life of your solar plant.
Monitor Performance – A performance monitoring system can catch drops in energy production, which must be reported to maintenance or repair.
Protection from Severe Weather—To minimise damage caused by extreme weather, such as hailstorms, heavy rains, or strong winds, it is ideal to build protection barriers or angle the panels at an optimum angle.
Check Electrical Components—The lifetime of a solar panel also depends on the inverter and wiring system. Inspections are needed to identify issues with electrical connections and avoid losses in panel efficiency.
Visol India
Mumbai has some trustworthy names in the solar panel installation trade; Visol India comes first to mind. Their speciality is designing and installing solar energy systems of the highest quality, performance, and efficiency. The company offers customised solar solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes to make the transition to renewable energy seamless and hassle-free.
Solar panels are a long-term investment, which can be further analysed by caring for and maintaining them. On average, between 25 and 30 years, the best solar panels from a reputed installation company like Visol India, which installs high-quality panels, will give you performance at the top for years. Hence, when shopping for solar energy for a home or a business, the best investment is to hire a trusted solar panel installation company in Mumbai.
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